2 - Cops Stop Black Guy 15 Times

EDWARD LAWSON Civil Rights Activist - ProPer Inc. On his own he took a civil rights case to the Supreme Court of the United States - and won.In California cops stopped citizens without probable cause or a reasonable suspicion and asked for I.D. Typically black, brown and young people. Edward Lawson as a pedestrian was stopped by cops and asked for I.D. more than 15 times in an 18 month period in San Diego County. He kept written notes about what happened and the cops that stopped him and brought one combined legal action first in California Courts and then in U.S. Federal Court. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled in his favor. The San Diego Sheriff's Department then appealed the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court In Kolender v. Lawson (461 U.S. 352, 1983) the United States Supreme Court ruled that a statute (in California or in any state) authorizing a police officer to arrest a citizen merely for refusing to present identification was unconstitutionally vague. His case has been cited in 1000s of later cases. Alas, in 2008 stop and I.D. laws in some states are back on the books. "Security ought to be inconvenienced by Liberty" - JOHN LONGENECKER Director / Cinematographer 800 470-4602 PictureAmerica.org ProPerInc.com EdwardLawson.com
