Why Do Most Churches Not Talk About the End Times? Few churches preach on the end times but many churchgoers have questions about it.

Why Do Most Churches Not Talk About the End Times?

By Reginald Caples

Few churches preach on the end times but many churchgoers have questions about it.

Part 1 of 4

Auguest 17, 2017

Introduction:  My Christian World View

In case you are wondering where my Christian worldview comes from, let me define my statement of faith.

I believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, inspired through the Holy Spirit and written by man. I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile humankind by taking on our sin, dying on the cross and rising again. I don’t think Christians are perfect, just aware of how much we need a redeemer and thus forgiven.
I put every aspect of my life to the acid test of scripture. If it isn’t scriptural I (eventually) get it out of my life. There are topics that I cover that are not in scripture. At those times I use logic, the common sense God gave me and I look at other scripture that might deal with a similar issue.

If you think I’m wrong on something, please let me know. I wouldn’t want to lead anyone astray, let alone myself.

If you have a comment on one of the topics please email me.
Bro Reggie
Educate Your Mind


Why Do Most Churches Not Talk About the End Times?

It is indeed amazing how few churches teach or preach on the end times bible prophecy. Yet, many church goers and unchurched people have ask questions about it, especially now, as we see the chaos and frightening events taking place increasingly around us.
According to write-ups on the question of why most churches don’t talk about the end times, there are diversified reasons given. Some churches don’t take the Bible literally, particularly on the topics of prophecies and end-times. Some feel the book of Revelation is a mere allegory and therefore not a subject of belief. Others may have ministers who lack the training and education in that area and do not take the time to expand their knowledge on their own. Many have been turned off by the date setters and sensationalists. But there is another reason.
Underneath all of the diverse reasons why the church does not talk about the end times, ultimately the real reason is because of fear. Fear of offending people, because there is so much division as to the exact interpretation and understanding. Fear of dividing the church and creating arguments among the congregation. Fear of showing their lack of knowledge on the subject. Fear of the political correctness that has reached up to the church in these last days.

The various understandings never fail to raise contentions when discussions are attempted, so it seems best to leave it alone. For example, the rapture (pre-, mid- and post-), the millennium (pre-, post- a-), the representation of the woman of Revelation 17, the mystery of Babylon, the one-hundred and forty-four sealed servants, the two witnesses, and so much more.

But really, what did Jesus say about the endtimes. Jesus mention many times about be watchful and not be decieved by no man.

In Matt. 24:4-11Mark 13:5-8, and Luke 21:8-11 Jesus identified a number of signs that would point to the approaching end of the age. He specifically named false messiahs, wars and rumors of war, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, persecution, apostasy, false prophets and signs from heaven.  Some of these will appear sooner than others but as the end approaches we’ll see more of them and they’ll appear more frequently and with greater intensity.

Here is a sampling of headlines appearing around the world that reveal some of these Signs Of The Times in today’s news reports. We try to choose stories your nightly newscasters aren’t covering but that show the direction the world is heading.
                    Revelation 13:16

The word of God will prove to you what is in the works and WILL BE IMPLEMENTED SOON! All of the prophecies are happening at once which is what Jesus said would happen in Matt 24 and Luke 21. He said when all these things happen at once, know I am at the door.
Well not only is this prophecy blooming before our eyes, but false Christ, Earthquakes in diverse places, Wars and rumors of war, One World Religion, One World Currency (in works) and One World Government has already started. Which happens right before the mark is implemented, So I am too far fetched? Am I reaching and fear mongering? No I am warning and only repeating what Jesus stated throughout the Bible.
Believers more than ever before we need to get right. God said it is his wish no one perish, and hell wasn't designed for us. This is why I believe he left remnants of Sodom that have lasted for thousands of years. God could have wiped Sodom away with more excuses from the mockers to deny the Bible but in watching this video you will see it's true.

News Report From NBC back in 2007
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Is the Mark Of the Beast Here?
Revelation 13- Satan doesn't want you to know these things,
this is why the church hardly speak of these things.

It's Official - Next Year 2017 Microchips Implants for Everyone: Illuminati Global Takeover

Published on May 16, 2016

Headlines From: August 17, 2017

Prophecy in the New's


On August 21st, 2017, the US will experience a very rare event: A total solar eclipse that will be visible in 14 states across the country, from the Northwest to the East Coast. This will be the first total eclipse in the US since 1979 and the first coast-to-coast eclipse since 1918. 

Total solar eclipses happen only when the moon lines up to pass perfectly between the sun and the earth. They are especially spectacular because, with the sun's rays blocked by the moon, all the other light it usually outshines is suddenly visible. The sun's corona, its normally hidden glowing atmosphere, will be seen along with the light of other stars. The day will turn into twilight, and for a few minutes, it will be almost completely dark. States north or south of the total eclipse belt will experience a partial eclipse, where the moon obscures some of the sun but not all of it. These are more common, but there hasn't been one visible from the United States mainland since the 1970s.


Christians who study Bible prophecy will agree that we are living in some very “curious” times right now.  There are so many things going on that “End Times” “alerts” are going off all the time.  However, not every Christian sees it or maybe they don’t want to see it, this includes pastors!

If your church isn’t teaching, discussing or at least looking at Bible prophecy, here 2 things you should do.
1. Don’t leave! – Sometimes the first instinct is to pick-up and look for another church that is preaching, teaching, discussing what you are interested in.  However, you have to think about the fact that maybe God planted you in the church you are in for a reason.  Start to pray!  That is always the first step!
2. Set a meeting with your pastor. – In the meeting, share your concerns about the End Times and how over 1/4 of the Bible contains prophecies.  Write down questions before hand if you think that would be helpful for you to stay on topic.  Ask him where he stands and if he plans on discussing the End Times.  Understand that many people shy away from the End Times because it can be scary or there is just so many views out there.  Offer to help him gather resources or even help find someone that the church can bring in.
