Planned Event on 10/04? - Baal Arch, ICANN & Back to The Future Decoding

Published on Sep 25, 2016
Planned Event on 10/04? - Baal Arch, ICANN & Back to The Future Decoding

The 10/4 event might have something to do with the satanic gateway(arch of Baal) in New York, one world religion event in Jerusalem with the pope there, the stuff happening in Syria, internet being handed over to ICANN, the unexpected extension of the blood moon cycle, feast days, the UN general assembly, etc. All happening within days of each other. It looks like the stage is being set for something massive.

The Big Lebowski Code is The McFly Code

Jason James Bickford (Polarization Nation Media)

This Guy cracking the code on 10/04 potential 9/11 event is going to be in prison while it happens.

Feast of Trumpets on 10/04/16

Facebook, Google urge Congress to hand over internet control

Mekudeshet Festival leading to a One-World Religion?’ Antipope Francis?
